Saturday, January 9, 2021

Burmese music documented in Chinese textual sources

Burmese music documented in Chinese textual sources
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 28 December 2023)

In an effort to make it more accessible, this document contains resources related to Burmese musics, as documented in Chinese textual sources.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Pyu states of Upper Burma had trade and diplomatic relations with China. In 800 and 801-802, the Pyu kingdom of Sri Ksetra (in Pyay, Bago Region, south-central Burma) sent a formal embassy, along with a group of 35 musicians, to the Tang court.  The poets Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen attended the second of these performances, and both wrote poems detailing their experience.

Links to textual sources are highlighted in green.


Historical reference works discussing Burmese musics
Hou Han Shu《后汉书》(The Book of the Later Han)
The official history of the Eastern Han Dynasty (also called "Later Han"), covering the period from 6 to 189 AD, Hou Han Shu, which also covers the interregnum of the Xin Dynasty (新朝, 9-23), was compiled by Fan Ye (范晔, 398-445 or 446) and others in the 5th century, during the Liu Song Dynasty (420-479).  It is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史). 




  〔一〕 東觀記「輔」作「酺」。梁國寧陵人也。

  〔二〕 詩周頌也。

  〔三〕 韓詩薛君傳曰:「徂,往也。夷,易也。行,道也。彼百姓歸文王者,皆曰岐有易道,可往歸矣。易道謂仁義之道而易行,故岐道阻險而人不難。」

  〔四〕 山海經曰:「崍山,江水出焉。」郭璞曰:「中江所出也。」華陽國志曰:「邛來山本名邛莋,故邛人、莋人界也。巖阻峻回,曲折乃至。山上凝冰夏結,冬則劇寒,王陽行部至此而退者也。有長貧、苦採、八度之難。陽母、閎峻並阪名。」

  〔五〕 言詩人雖歎岐道之阻,但以文王之道,人以為夷易,今邛來峭危,甚於岐。

  〔六〕 解見陳禪傳。

  〔七〕 東觀記載其歌,并載夷人本語,並重譯訓詁為華言,今范史所載者是也。今錄東觀夷言,以為此注也。


Ling Biao Lu Yi《岭表录异》(A Record of the Unusual [Things Encountered in] the Land Beyond the Mountains) A record of the local customs, as well as aspects of the natural world, encountered in southern China (encompassing modern-day Guangdong and Guangxi) by Liu Xun (刘恂), who served as sima (司马, commandant) of the prefecture of Guangzhou during the reign of the late Tang Emperor Zhaozong (r. 888-904); this work, which includes some discussion of traditional music, was likely written during that period or soon thereafter. Burmese music is described in the work's first section as follows:

Xin Tang Shu《新唐书》 (The New Book of Tang; generally translated as "New History of the Tang" or "New Tang History")
This historical work covering the Tang Dynasty, comprising ten volumes and 225 volumes, was compiled by compiled by a team of scholars led by Ouyang Xiu and Song Qi, a process that took 17 years.  It was completed in 1060, during the Northern Song Dynasty.  It is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史).  Burmese music is discussed in volumes 22 and 222:

卷二十二 志第十二
Volume 22



Volume 222



[ . . . ]




Chinese poems mentioning Burmese musics

《新乐府 骠国乐-欲王化之先迩后远也
New Yuefu [Poem]:  The Music of Pyu, The Desire of the King's Diplomacy to be First Close and Later Distant (Xin Yuefu:  Piaoguo Yue)
by Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty, 772-846)
translated by Jordan Alexander Gwyther

During the seventeenth year of the Zhenyuan reign [i.e., 801-802] they came in tribute.

Burma, Music of Burma, they came from the Great Sea at its southwest horn.
A son of the peaceful Qiang tribe, Shu Nantuo
Came offering his southern music to celebrate the New Year.
Dezong prepared the ceremony in the royal purple garden,
Not wearing his yellow ball tassels he listened.
Sounding their conch shells they wore towering chignon braids,
A thousand beats of the copper drum tattooed dancers leapt.
Their pearl tassels dazzling, they spun and shook as constellations,
Like flowers shaking, and snakes and dragons moving.
When the song ended the prince of Burma spoke to the King.
He said that his father wished to become a vassal of the Tang.
The ministers at his left and right cheered,
All saying that this shows how far the emperor’s virtue and influence have extended.
In a moment all the hundred officials came to the gate of the palace,
Prostrating to the King they presented memorials congratulating the supreme monarch.
"Having respectfully watched the musicians of Burma offering the new music,
We hereby request that the court historian record it and pass it down to sons and grandsons."
At the time there was an old farmer,
Who secretly conjectured about the King’s mind and in a leisurely manner said to himself:
"I have heard that in state affairs you rule with august wisdom,
You wish to move people's hearts to achieve peace."
"Moving people's hearts is achieved when they are close, not when they are far.
Peace is about results and not reputation."
"Observing oneself and ruling a nation is one and the same.
You are the heart of the nation and the people are the body."
"When the body is sick and in pain the heart is inconsolable.
So when the people are at peace, so is our lord happy and harmonious."
"If the people of Zhenyuan are not yet at peace,
Then even if listening to the music of Burma you will not enjoy."
"If the people of Zhenyuan are without ailment,
Then the music of Burma would not have come and you our lord would still be considered a sage."
Music of Burma oh music of Burma, such noise,
Its sound was not as good as this woodcutter's words.

Jordan Alexander Gwyther explains this poem as follows:

The nineteenth poem is "Piao guo yue" 骠国乐 and is translated as The Musicians of Burma.  The poem is about the emperor enraptured while watching the Burmese musicians perform for his court. [ ... ] The nineteenth poem is The Musicians of Burma.  This poem speaks of visitors from abroad coming in tribute, offering their music to Emperor Dezong of Tang.  As we shall soon learn this music is offered as a celebration of the New Year.  This piece is truly a beautiful scene. Bai Juyi's description is so complete that the entire scene comes alive in our imaginations. Even godly dragons come alive alongside the music, swaying about amongst pearl tassels.
Placating Emperor Dezong, the Musicians of Burma have made a successful trip to visit the kingdom of the Tang.  Not only have they impressed the Emperor himself, the ministers too are enraptured by this beautiful foreign music.  Later in the poem Bai Juyi introduces another character to offer a different opinion.  This proverbial farmer is nameless, but only because he represents the voice of Bai Juyi within the poem itself.  For the remainder of the poem our "farmer" explains how diplomacy should work to the Emperor himself.
As the old farmer explains the Emperor is the heart of the nation.  When his ideas are sickened, so too does the "body" suffer.  The happiness of the Emperor is dependent on the health of the people of the kingdom.  If the people are with ailment there is no way for the Emperor to enjoy the fruits of diplomacy.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

(Piaoguo Yue)
by Yuan Zhen (mid-Tang Dynasty, 779-831)




骠国 = Piaoguo, the Chinese name for the kingdom of Pyu, a state in the valley of the Irrawaddy River in modern-day Burma, which flourished between the 3rd and the 9th centuries AD. 



● Hill, Nathan W.  "Songs of the Bailang:  A New Transcription with Etymological Commentary."  Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, vol. 103 (2017), pp. 345-389.
● Picken, Laurence.  "Instruments in an Orchestra from Pyū (Upper Burma) in 802."  Musica Asiatica, vol. 4 (1984), pp. 245-270.


Thanks to Patrick Huang for assistance with this page.


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