Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Musical instrument: ruanxian (阮咸)

Musical instrument:  ruanxian

compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 27 December 2024)
Granite relief depicting an apsara musician playing a wanham, one of a pair (상주 석조천인상 / 尙州 石造天人像).  Probably made in the 8th century, during the Unified Silla Period (668-935).  On June 11, 1980 this set of reliefs was named Treasure no. 661 (보물 제661호) by the South Korean government.  Collection of the Sangju Museum, Sangju, North Gyeongsang Province, central South Korea.  This item was formerly situated inside Yonghwajeon Hall, which was originally located in Namseong-dong, Sangju City, together with the lotus pedestal outside Bohogak Pavilion and pagodas.  It was moved to its current location in October 1982.  Height: 50 in. (127 cm).

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Chinese musical instrument called ruanxian (阮咸)--a long-necked fretted lute with round (moon-shaped) body--as documented in the Chinese historical record.

The instrument is named for Ruan Xian (阮咸, fl. 3rd century), a scholar and musician of the Wei and Jin dynasties from Henan province, and one of the famous Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. In Ruan's time, the round-bodied lute was known as Qin pipa (秦琵琶), and the first mention of this instrument name appears in Tongdian《通典》(766-801).

As transmitted to Japan, this instrument is called genkan (阮咸 / げんかん), and in Korea it is called wanham (완함 / 阮咸). In later periods, Korean round-bodied lutes are referred to as wolgeum (월금 / 月琴), equivalent to the Chinese yueqin (月琴).

Links to textual sources are highlighted in green.


Chinese historical reference works discussing the ruanxian

Tongdian 《通典》 (Comprehensive Institutions)
Written by Tang Dynasty scholar and historian Du You (杜佑, 735-812) between 766 and 801, Tongdian includes some discussion of the ruanxian, as follows:

Volume Number 144



Volume Number 146





Detail of cave mural depicting an apsara musician (Chinese:  feitian yueji, 飞天乐伎) playing a ruanxian.  Ceiling of Cave 461 (莫高窟461窟 or 莫高窟第461窟), Mogao Caves, southeast of Dunhuang, Jiuquan, northwestern Gansu province, northwest China.  Western Wei Dynasty (535-556 or 557) or Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581).

● Taiping Guangji《太平广记》(Extensive Records of the Taiping Era)
Taiping Guangji is a collection of stories compiled in the early Northern Song dynasty under imperial direction by the scholar and bureaucrat Li Fang (李昉, 925-996).  The work was completed in 978 and printing blocks were cut, but it was prevented from publication on the grounds that it contained only xiaoshuo (fiction or "insignificant tellings") and thus "was of no use to young students."  It survived in manuscript form until it was eventually published in the Ming Dynasty.  The collection, which is considered one of the Four Great Books of Song, is divided into 500 volumes and consists of about 3 million Chinese characters.  It includes about 7,000 stories selected from over 300 books and novels from the Han Dynasty to the early Song Dynasty, many of which have been lost.  Some stories are historical or naturalistic anecdotes, and each is replete with historical elements, and were not regarded by their authors as fiction, but the topics are mostly supernatural, about Buddhist and Taoist priests, immortals, ghosts, and various deities.  They include a number of Tang Dynasty stories, especially chuanqi (tales of wonder), that are famous works of literature in their own right, and also inspired later works.  The ruanxian is mentioned in volume 195, as follows:







Wenxian Tongkao 《文献通考》 (Comprehensive Examination of Literature)
Compiled in the early 14th century by Ma Duanlin (马端临), this work contains a list and descriptions (though no illustrations) of many ancient and Medieval musical instruments.  There is some description of the ruanxian, as follows:

Volume 137


[ ... ]


月琴(五弦十三柱,形似琵琶) 月琴形圆项长,上按四弦,十三品柱,豪琴之徽,转弦应律,晋阮咸造也。唐太宗更加一弦,名其弦曰金、木、水、火、土。自开元中编入雅乐用之,岂得舜之遗制欤!

[ ... ]

阮咸琵琵 阮咸五弦,此秦琵琶,而颈长过之,列十二柱焉。



Haixiao Shuoci 《海绡说词》 (Haixiao's Discourses on Ci Poetry), by the Ming Dynasty scholar-official Chen Xun (陈洵, b. 1445), mentions the ruan in passing, as follows:

The Value of Simplicity

Lyrics in Tang and Five Dynasties times were extremely simple and unadorned in style; those of the Northern Song were just about the same.  After the southward migration [following the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty], although they still enjoyed great renown for their outstanding talents, their temperament and quality were not as good.  The late Zhu Fugu, who was a fine qin player, said that the qin should have a simple and unadorned sound; if it were too elaborate and technical, it wouldn't be any different from a zheng or ruan.  This ideal is one that lyricists should [also] use as a reference.

Gujin Tushu Jicheng 《古今图书集成》 (Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from the Earliest to Current Times), a massive encyclopedia comprising 10,000 volumes, was written during the reigns of the Qing Dynasty emperors Kangxi and Yongzheng.  The work, was begun in 1700 and completed in 1725, was supervised initially by Chen Menglei (陈梦雷, 1650-1741), and later by Jiang Tingxi (蒋廷锡, 1669-1732).  The ruanxian is mentioned as follows:

Detail of unidentified scroll painting depicting showing people engaged in various intellectual activities in nature.  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.  Photo by Mike Hovancsek.


Chinese poems mentioning the ruanxian

Having a Little Drink and Listening to the Ruanxian with the Deputy Minister of Linghu
(He Linghu Puye Xiao Yin Ting Ruanxian)
by Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty, 772-846)

Gloom and melancholy compounded with misery and desolation;
It's not a qin, and neither is it a zheng.
It still plays yuefu songs,
And also bears the Ruan family name.
Of ancient melodies, who [today] knows them?
[Yet] upon first listen, all those in attendance are awestruck.
Pearls fall on a platter, one by one;
Shaken pendants of jade jangle.
As if to urge [listeners to drain] the contents of their winecups,
Or to harbor emotions [such as one might feel while lying] beneath a grove [of flowering plum trees].
As the times change, so too does music;
How can this be the sound of former times?


The fifth couplet of this poem is probably a reference to the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

by Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty, 772-842)


"Ting Ruan Tu" 《听阮图》 (Painting:  Listening to the Ruan), painted in 1943 by Fu Baoshi (傅抱石, 1904-1965).  Ink and color on paper, mounted.
34.4 x 23 in. (87.5 x 58.5 cm).


Historical specimens

There exists in the collection of the Shōsōin Repository (正倉院) of Nara, Japan a richly decorated ruanxian, which is believed to have been made in China during the 8th century (mid-Tang Dynasty), and sent as a royal gift to the Japanese emperor Shōmu (r. 724-749) from his counterpart, the Chinese emperor Xuanzong (r. 713-756). In Japanese, this instrument is called Raden shitan no genkan (螺鈿紫檀阮咸 / らでんしたんのげんかん).

Another ruanxian in the Shōsōin Repository is of unknown provenance, but said to have formerly been used by a player of zatsugaku (雑楽), a Japanese term describing entertainment music other than gagaku.

Ruanxian used by the Datong Yuehui (大同乐会, Great Unity Music Society) of Shanghai, China (c. 1920s-1930s).

Detail of photograph of the Great Unity Music Society (Datong Yuehui, 大同乐会) of Shanghai, China, showing the ensemble's two ruanxian players.  Photo probably taken in Shanghai, China, April 9, 1933, during the filming of a documentary made by the Mingxing Film Company (明星影片公司), which was sent to the 1933 Chicago World's Fair.  The musician on the right is Jin Zuli (金祖礼, 1906-2000).

Historic photograph of the Great Unity Music Society (Datong Yuehui, 大同乐会) of Shanghai, China performing for a live radio broadcast.  Photo taken at a radio station in China, c. fall or winter 1937.
The performers featured in this photo include:
● Xu Guangyi (许光毅, 1911-2000) - erhu, second from left
● Chen Tianle (陈天乐, 1919-1993) - ruan, third from left
● Wei Zhongle (卫仲乐, 1908 or 1909-1998) - center, standing
● Qin Pengzhang (秦鹏章, 1919-2002) - xiao, second from right
● Yu Yueting (俞越亭) - xiao, right

Historic photograph of the China Music Society (中国乐会, Zhongguo Yuehui).  Photo taken in China, January 1, 1941.  The performers in this photo include such notable musicians as Yu Yueting (俞樾亭, yangqin) and Chen Tianfang (陈天放, sheng), as well as the following members of the former Great Unity Music Society (Datong Yuehui, 大同乐会):
● Qin Pengzhang (秦鹏章, 1919-2002) - probably xiao, back row, second from right
● Chen Tianle (陈天乐, 1919-1993) - ruanxian
● Xu Guangyi (许光毅, 1911-2000) - erhu
● Wei Zhongle (卫仲乐, 1908 or 1909-1998) - se




Thanks to Peiyou Chang, Benjamin Daniels, David Fang, Lin Chiang-san, Jeff Loh, and Olivia Zhang for assistance with this page.


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