Friday, January 15, 2021

Qing Dynasty court ensembles: Annan Guo Yue (安南国乐)

Qing Dynasty Court Ensembles:
Annan Guo Yue
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 25 March 2021)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Annan Guo Yue (安南国乐, literally "Music of the Annamese Nation"), a troupe performing music and dance of Vietnamese origin in the court of the Qing Dynasty of China, which was established in 1789 (or soon after) during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1733-1796), as documented in the Chinese historical record.

This performing troupe was probably sent to Beijing by Nguyễn Huệ, the second emperor of the Tây Sơn Dynasty (Emperor Quang Trung of Đại Việt) in 1789 (or soon after). The performers were probably sent directly from the palace at Thang Long (Hanoi), which had been the capital of the Lê Dynasty until its overthrow by the Tây Sơn Dynasty under Nguyễn Huệ in 1789.

Links to textual sources are highlighted in green.


Historical background

In the Qing Dynasty, there were nine banquet music ensembles maintained in the palace at Beijing, as follows:

1. Dui Wu Yue (队舞乐, Manchu group dances, with music)
2. Wa'erka Bu Yue (瓦尔喀部乐, music and dance of the Warka, a group of Donghai Jurchens)
3. Chaoxian Yue (朝鲜乐, Korean music and acrobatics)
4. Menggu Yue (蒙古乐, Mongolian music)
5. Hui Bu Yue (回部乐, Uyghur music and dance from the Tarim Basin)
6. Fanzi Yue (番子乐, Tibetan music and dance)
7. Kuo'erka Bu Yue (廓尔喀部乐, Gurkha music and dance from Nepal)
8. Miandian Guo Yue (缅甸国乐, Burmese music and dance)
9. Annan Guo Yue (安南国乐, Vietnamese music and dance)


Chinese historical reference works discussing the
Annan Guo Yue

Qing Shigao 《清史稿》 (Draft History of Qing), the official history of the Qing Dynasty, published in draft form in 1928 (actually during the Republic Period), contains information about the Annan Guo Yue (both music and dance) in volume 101:

卷一百一 志七十六



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乾隆五十四年,獲安南國樂,列於宴樂之末,是為安南樂舞。用丐鼓一,丐拍一,丐哨一,丐彈弦子一,丐彈胡琴一,丐彈雙韻一,丐彈琵琶一,丐三音鑼一。安南土語,凡樂器之名,俱以丐字建首。 丐鼓,木匡冒革,空其下,徑八寸四分,承以架。用竹桴二,或左手承鼓,右手以桴擊之。 丐拍,用檀板三:其一上端綴以連錢。其一背刻雁齒,其一右為鋸牙。左手執二板相擊,連錢激響,右手執鋸牙者,引擊雁齒,錯落成聲。 丐哨,即橫笛,截竹為筒,漆飾,二十一節。左第一孔為吹口,次加竹膜,右六孔,末二孔,俱上出,旁二孔對出,兩端飾以角。 丐彈弦子,三弦,斫檀為質,槽方而橢,兩面冒虺皮。匙頭鑿空納弦,以三軸綰之,左二右一。 丐彈胡琴,二弦,竹柄,槽形如筒,底微豐,面冒虺皮。曲首鑿空,兩軸俱自後穿前綰弦,弦自山口至柱,長一尺八寸,餘如番部合樂胡琴之制。 丐彈雙韻,如月琴,四弦,斫檀為質,槽面以桐,形如滿月。徑一尺一寸六分,厚一寸八分。曲項鑿空納弦,綰以四軸,左右各二。槽面覆手,山口下七品,俱以檀為之。 丐彈琵琶,四弦,刳桐為質,通長三尺。項上鑿空納弦,綰以四軸,左右各二。上設四象,下布十品。弦自山口至覆手,長二尺一寸四分。 丐三音鑼,范銅,三面,綰以鐵圈,聯如品字。上一徑二寸四分五釐,右一徑二寸三分八釐,左一徑二寸三分。承以檀柄,槌用角。

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A set of eight illustrations (with accompanying text) of instruments used to perform Annan Guo Yue, from vol. 9 of the Qing Dynasty source Huang Chao Li Qi Tu Shi 《皇朝礼器图式》, compiled by Yunlu (允禄, 1695-1767), Jiang Pu (蒋溥, 1708-1761), and other scholars, which was published during the Qianlong period (between 1759 and 1795):
Image 1. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây cổ (丐鼓) drum used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called trống.

Accompanying text for image 1:


Image 2. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây phách (丐拍) clapper used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin.
In Vietnam today, this instrument is called sênh tiền or sinh tiền.

Accompanying text for image 2:


Image 3. Illustration (with accompanying text) of two cây tiếu (丐哨) transverse flutes used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called sáo or sáo trúc.

Accompanying text for image 3:


Image 4. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây đàn huyền tử (丐弹弦子) used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called đàn tam or tam huyền cầm.

Accompanying text for image 4:


Image 5. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây đàn hồ cầm (丐弹胡琴) used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called đàn nhị or đàn hồ.

Accompanying text for image 5:


Image 6. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây đàn song vận (丐彈雙韻) used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called đàn nguyệt, đàn kìm, or nguyệt cầm.

Accompanying text for image 6:


Image 7. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây đàn tỳ bà (丐弹琵琶) used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called đàn tỳ bà.

Accompanying text for image 7:


Image 8. Illustration (with accompanying text) of a cây tam âm la (丐三音锣), a set of three small gongs mounted in a frame with a handle, used in the Annamese court orchestra of the Qing Dynasty, which was established in 1789 and performed banquet music of Vietnamese origin. In Vietnam today, this instrument is called tam âm la.

Accompanying text for image 8:


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