Saturday, April 1, 2023

Musical instrument: chi (篪)

Musical instrument:  chi
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 1 October 2023)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Chinese musical instrument called chí (篪 or 箎, or occasionally 竾, 𥬌, 筂, 𥰽, 䶵,
𪛍, 𪛔, or 𪛌, among other spellings), a transverse bamboo flute, which was used in China since ancient times.  The reconstructed Middle Chinese pronunciation is /ɖˠiᴇ/ (Zhengzhang) and the reconstructed Old Chinese pronunciations are /*lre/ (Baxter-Sagart) or /*l'e/ (Zhengzhang).

The chi originated as a folk instrument in ancient China, and, as early as the Zhou Dynasty (c.  1046 BC-256 BC), it was often played together with the xun (埙, globular flute, usually made of baked clay).  During the Warring States period, it was used in large court ensembles, playing along with bronze bells, stone chimes, drums, panpipes, mouth organs, zithers, etc. for both banquets and ceremonies.  Following the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the chi declined in usage, although it continued to be used mainly in court ritual music and Confucian ceremonies.

A few specimens of chi have been excavated from tombs dating to the Warring States period and Western Han Dynasty.
Two bamboo chi excavated from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng (曾侯乙, Zeng Hou Yi) in Leigudun
Community (擂鼓墩社区), Nanjiao Subdistrict (南郊街道), Zengdu District (曾都区), Suizhou (随州市),
northern Hubei province, central China, bordering Henan province to the north and east.
The tomb was sealed in 433 BC, during the Warring States period (475 BC-221 BC) of the Eastern Zhou
Dynasty (东周).  Collection of the Hubei Provincial Museum (湖北省博物馆), Wuhan, Hubei province,
central China.  Note that the finger hole furthest from the blowing hole is located in the same line as
the blowing hole, probably indicating that it was to be covered by the right thumb.  These instruments
are supposedly pitched in the keys of F-sharp and G, respectively.

Two bamboo chi excavated from Mawangdui tomb no. 3 (马王堆3号西汉墓), at the hill site
of Mawangdui (马王堆汉墓), Dongtundu Subdistrict (东屯渡街道), Furong District (芙蓉区),
Changsha (长沙市), Hunan province (湖南省), south-central China, near the Liuyang River.
The tomb was sealed in 168 BC, during the Western Han Dynasty, and its owner may
have been Li Xi (利豨), the son of the Marquis of Dai and Chancellor of the Kingdom of
Changsha, Li Cang (利苍, d. 186 BC).  The lengths of the two flutes are 9.65 in. (24.5 cm)
and 8.35 in. (21.2 cm).

A wooden figurine (Chinese:  mu yong, 木俑) from the late Warring States period tomb no. 6 at Yangjiawan (长沙杨家湾6号墓), located on the west side of Wujialing Subdistrict (伍家岭街道), in the Kaifu District (开福区) of Changsha, Hunan province, south-central China, which was excavated in 1954, appears to show a musician holding a chi with the blowing hole located at the midpoint of the instrument.  Musicologist Wang Xidan cautions that, of the more than 50 wooden figurines discovered in this tomb, most of them were decayed, with their hands having fallen off, and it is unknown whether this figurine had a flute in its hands when it was excavated, or whether the flute it is holding may actually have been found among fragments of other figurines and matched with it later.  In this way, Wang states, it is impossible to know whether the flute has not been moved, or whether its blowing hole was originally in the middle of the instrument (Wang 2019).
Line drawing of a wooden figurine excavated from the late Warring States period tomb no. 6 at Yangjiawan
(长沙杨家湾6号墓), located on the west side of Wujialing Subdistrict (伍家岭街道), in the Kaifu District (开福区)
of Changsha, Hunan province, south-central China, which supposedly shows a musician
holding a chi with the blowing hole located at the midpoint of the instrument
Wooden figurines excavated from the late Warring States period tomb no. 6 at Yangjiawan
(长沙杨家湾6号墓), located on the west side of Wujialing Subdistrict (伍家岭街道), in the Kaifu District
(开福区) of Changsha, Hunan province, south-central China.  The figurine at the top, third from the right,
supposedly shows a musician holding a chi with the blowing hole located at the midpoint of the instrument.

Based on the depiction of an apparent chi player on a stone relief dating to between the Yuanhe (元和, 84-87 AD) and Zhanghe (章和, 87-88 AD) eras of the reign of Emperor Zhang of Han (汉章帝), during the Eastern Han Dynasty, which were excavated from the ancient city of Nan Wuyang (南武阳故城) in modern-day Zhongcun Town (仲村镇), Pingyi County (平邑县), Linyi (临沂市) south-central Shandong province, eastern China, the chi was played with the palms of both hands facing inward, with the fingers pointing upward, sometimes with the finger hole furthest from the blowing hole being covered by the thumb.

Stone relief dating to between the Yuanhe (元和, 84-87 AD) and Zhanghe (章和, 87-88 AD) eras of the reign of
Emperor Zhang of Han (汉章帝), during the Eastern Han Dynasty, which were excavated from the ancient city of
Nan Wuyang (南武阳故城) in modern-day Zhongcun Town (仲村镇), Pingyi County (平邑县), Linyi (临沂市) south-
central Shandong province, eastern China.  The depiction of an apparent chi player (just left of center) seems to
indicate that this instrument was played with the palms of both hands facing inward, with the fingers pointing
upward, sometimes with the finger hole furthest from the blowing hole being covered by the thumb.

Contemporary performers who have worked to reconstruct and revive the ancient chi include the following:
● Mr. Chuai Zimo (揣子摩), a Bilibili user from China
● Mr. Fang Jinlong (方锦龙, b. 1963), a professional musician from China

Links to textual sources are highlighted in green.


Chinese historical reference works discussing the chi

Erya《尔雅》(Warring States, Qin, and Western Han Dynasty)


● Zhou Li《周礼》(The Rites of Zhou) (Western Han Dynasty)


● Shuowen Jiezi《說文解字》(Eastern Han Dynasty)


Fengsu Tongyi《风俗通义》(Comprehensive Meaning of Customs and Mores or Comprehensive Meaning of Customs and Habits)
Also known as Fengsu Tong风俗通, this book was written by the politician, writer, and historian Ying Shao (应劭), who was a long-time close associate of Cao Cao, around 195 AD, during the late Eastern Han Dynasty.  The manuscript is similar to an almanac, which describes various strange and exotic matters of interest to the literati of the period, such as folk cultural practices, legends, mystical beliefs, and musical instruments.  There were originally a total of 30 chapters, but only 10 remain.  These chapters were recompiled by the Northern Song scientist Su Song (苏颂) from the works of Yu Zhongrong (庾仲容) and Ma Zong (马总).  Some fragments of the lost chapters exist as quotations in other Chinese texts.  The chi is discussed in the《聲音》chapter, as follows:


Shiming《释名》(Explanation of Names)
A dictionary employing phonological glosses, which is believed to date from c. 200 AD, during the Eastern Han Dynasty.  There is controversy whether this dictionary's author was Liu Xi (刘熙, fl. c. 200 AD) or the more famous Liu Zhen (刘珍, d. 126 AD).  The chi is discussed in the section entitled "Explanation of Musical Instruments" (Shi Yueqi, 释乐器), as follows:

Gu Shi Kao《古史考》(Examination of Ancient History) is a work by Qiao Zhou (谯周, c. 199-270), an official and scholar of the state of Shu Han during China's Three Kingdoms period.  The chi is mentioned several times:



● Luoyang Qielan Ji《洛阳伽蓝记》(A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Luoyang) is a work by Yang Xuanzhi (fl. 547), a writer during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-535).  The chi is mentioned in Volume 4:

Volume 4

當時四海晏清,八荒率職,縹囊紀慶,玉燭調辰。百姓殷阜,年登俗樂。鰥寡不聞犬豕之食,煢獨不見牛馬之衣。於是帝族王侯,外戚公主,擅山海之富,居川林之饒。爭修園宅,互相誇競。崇門豐室,洞戶連房,飛館生風,重樓起霧。高臺芳榭,家家而樂;花林曲池,園園而有。莫不桃李夏綠,竹柏冬青。而河間王琛最為豪首。常與高陽爭衡,造文柏堂,形如徽音殿。置玉井金罐,以五色繢為繩。妓女三百人,盡皆國色。有婢朝雲,善吹篪,能為團扇歌、隴上聲。琛為秦州刺史,諸羌外叛,屢討之不降。琛令朝雲假為貧嫗,吹篪而乞。諸羌聞之,悉皆流涕。迭相謂曰:「何為棄墳井,在山谷為寇也?」即相率歸降。秦民語曰:「快馬健兒,不如老嫗吹篪。」 琛在秦州,多無政績,遣使向西域求名馬,遠至波斯國。得千里馬,號曰追風赤驥。次有七百里者十餘匹,皆有名字。以銀為槽,金為環鎖,諸王服其豪富。琛常語人云:「晉室石崇,乃是庶姓,猶能雉頭狐腋,畫卯雕薪,況我大魏天王,不為華侈?」造迎風館於後園,窗戶之上,列錢青瑣,玉鳳銜鈴,金龍吐佩。素柰朱李,樹條入簷,伎女樓上,坐而摘食。琛常會宗室,陳諸寶器,金瓶銀甕百餘口,甌檠盤盒稱是。自餘酒器,有水晶缽、瑪瑙琉璃碗、赤玉卮數十枚。作工奇妙,中土所無,皆從西域而來。又陳女樂及諸名馬。復引諸王按行府庫,錦罽珠璣,冰羅霧縠,充積其內,繡纈、綢綾、絲彩、越葛、錢絹等不可數計。琛忽謂章武王融曰: 「不恨我不見石崇,恨石崇不見我。」融立性貪暴,志欲無限,見之歎惋,不覺生疾,還家臥三日不起。江陽王繼來省疾,謂曰:「卿之財產,應得抗衡,何為歎羨,以至於此?」融曰:「常謂高陽一人,寶貨多於融,誰知河間,瞻之在前。」繼笑曰:「卿欲作袁術之在淮南,不知世間復有劉備也?」融乃蹶起,置酒作樂。

● Jiu Tang Shu《旧唐书》(The Old Book of Tang), also known simply as Tang Shu《唐书》(The Book of Tang)
This historical work in 200 volumes was completed in 945, actually during the Later Jin (后晋) Dynasty, one of the Five Dynasties during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十国) period following the fall of the Tang Dynasty.  It is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史).  The chi is discussed several times in Volume 29:

Volume 29





Xin Tang Shu《新唐书》(The New Book of Tang; generally translated as "New History of the Tang" or "New Tang History")
This historical work covering the Tang Dynasty, comprising ten volumes and 225 chapters, was compiled by a team of scholars led by Ouyang Xiu and Song Qi, a process that took 17 years.  It was completed in 1060, during the Northern Song Dynasty.  It is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史).  The chi is mentioned several times in volumes 21 and 22:

Volume 21

Ritual Music 11




Volume 22

Ritual Music 12



Chinese poems mentioning the chi

from the "Da Ya" (大雅, Major Court Hymns) section of the Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry)
(Zhou Dynasty, c. 10th-9th century BC)
translated by James Legge

出話不然、為猶不遠 。
猶之未遠、是用大諫 。
God has reversed [His usual course of procedure],
And the lower people are full of distress.
The words which you utter are not right;
The plans which you form are not far-reaching.
As there are not sages, you think you have no guidance;
You have no reality in your sincerity.
[Thus] your plans do not reach far,
And I therefore strongly admonish you.

辭之懌矣、民之莫矣 。
Heaven is now sending down calamities; -
Do not be so complacent.
Heaven is now producing such movements; -
Do not be so indifferent.
If your words were harmonious,
The people would become united.
If your words were gentle and kind,
The people would be settled.

先民有言、詢于芻蕘 。
Though my duties are different from yours,
I am your fellow-servant.
I come to advise with you,
And you hear me with contemptuous indifference.
My words are about the [present urgent] affairs; -
Do not think them matter for laughter.
The ancients had a saying:
'Consult the grass and firewood-gatherers. '

多將熇熇、不可救藥 。
Heaven is now exercising oppression; -
Do not in such a way make a mock of things.
An old man, [I speak] with entire sincerity;
But you, my juniors, are full of pride.
It is not that my words are those of age,
But you make a joke of what is sad.
But the troubles will multiply like flames,
Till they are beyond help or remedy.

喪亂蔑資、曾莫惠我師 。
Heaven is now displaying its anger; -
Do not be either boastful or flattering,.
Utterly departing from all propriety of demeanour,
Till good men are reduced to personators of the dead.
The people now sigh and groan,
And we dare not examine [into the causes of their trouble].
The ruin and disorder are exhausting all their means of living,
And we show no kindness to our multitudes.

民之多辟、無自立辟 。
Heaven enlightens the people,
As the bamboo flute responds to the porcelain whistle;
As two half maces form a whole one;
As you take a thing, and bring it away in your hand,
Bringing it away without any more ado.
The enlightenment of the people is very easy.
They have [now] many perversities; -
Do not you set up your perversity [before them].

Good men are a fence;
The multitudes of the people are a wall;
Great States are screens;
Great Families are buttresses;
The cherishing of virtue secures repose;
The circle of [the king's] Relatives is a fortified wall.
We must not let the fortified wall get destroyed;
We must not let him solitary be consumed with terrors.

Revere the anger of Heaven,
And presume not to make sport or be idle.
Revere the changing moods of Heaven,
And presume not to drive about [at your pleasure].
Great Heaven is intelligent,
And is with you in all your goings.
Great Heaven is clear-seeing,
And is with you in your wandering and indulgences.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

(He Ren Si)
from the "Xiao Ya" (小雅, Lesser Court Hymns) section of the Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry)
(Zhou Dynasty, c. 9th-8th century BC)
translated by James Legge

What man was that?
His mind is full of dangerous devices.
Why did he approach my dam,
Without entering my gate?
Of whom is he a follower?
I venture to say, - of Bao.

Those two follow each other in their goings; -
Which of them wrought me this calamity?
Why came he to my dam,
Without entering to condole with me?
Our former relations were different from the present,
When he will have nothing to do with me.

What man was it?
Why came he to the path inside my gate?
I heard his voice,
But did not see his person.
He is not ashamed before men;
He does not stand in awe of Heaven.

He Ren Si:
What man was it?
He is like a violent wind.
Why came he not from the north?
Or why not from the south?
Why did he approach my dam,
Doing nothing but perturb my mind?

You go along slowly,
And yet you have not leisure to stop!
You go along rapidly,
And yet you have leisure to grease your wheels!
If you would come to me but once! -
Why am I kept in a state of expectation?

If on your return you entered my house,
My heart would be relieved.
When on your return you do not enter it,
It is hard to understand your denial.
If you would come to me but once,
It would set me at rest.

The elder of us blew the porcelain whistle,
And the younger blew the bamboo flute;
I was as if strung on the same string with you.
If indeed you do not understand me,
Here are the three creatures [for sacrifice],
And I will take an oath to you.

If you were an imp or a water-bow,
You could not be got at.
But when one with face and eyes stands opposite to another,
The man can be seen through and through.
I have made this good song,
To probe to the utmost your veerings and turnings.

More information:

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《晋四厢乐歌》三首 其三 食举东西厢歌
Anonymous (Jin Dynasty, 265-420)


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Poem in Praise of the Chi (Yong Chi Shi)
作者:沈约(南朝 – 刘宋、南齐、梁)
by Shen Yue (Southern Dynasties:  Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang, 441-513)

South of the [Yangtze] River is the land of flutes and pipes;
Their wonderful sound causes [plants] to issue new shoots.
The deep affection [of this music] is conveyed by means of jade-like fingers,
Which, in emotion-filled manner, are alternately raised and lowered.
[The melody] winds thrice around the carved roof beams,
And stirs the light dust four or five times.
The piece holds within it a profound meaning,
Which a gentleman of sincere heart can't fail to comprehend.



The chi (篪) is a transverse bamboo flute that has been used in China since ancient times, although by the Northern and Southern Dynasties period its use was generally restricted to Confucian ritual music.  Although the literal meaning of "再三" (zaisan) is "three times," the figurative meaning of this idiom is "again and again" or "repeatedly."  The Middle Chinese pronunciation of "绕" was ȵiᴇu (in high tone).  With this poem, Shen Yue may be combining a reference to the Shiji《史记》(Records [of the Grand] Historian, the official history of China's pre-Han period) with a description of the exquisite heng di (transverse bamboo flute) and bili (double reed pipe) playing heard in the yanyue (banquet music) of the Southern Dynasties period.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

《行路难五首 其一》
作者:吴均(南朝 – 梁)
by Wu Jun (Southern Dynasties:  Liang, 469-520)


More information:

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(Yong Xiao Shi)
作者:刘孝仪(南朝 – 梁)
by Liu Xiaoyi (Southern Dynasties:  Liang, 484-550)




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作者:萧放(北朝 – 北齐)
by Xiao Fang (Northern Dynasties:  Northern Qi, c. 550-577)





Chinese idioms mentioning the chi

● 伯埙仲篪 (bó xūn zhòng chí)



More information:

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● 吹篪乞食 (chuī chí qǐ shí) - (literal meaning):  blowing the chi (transverse bamboo flute) and begging for food; refers to Wu Zixu (伍子胥, 559 BC-484 BC), a general and politician of the Wu kingdom in the Spring and Autumn period who, as a destitute refugee from the state of Chu in approximately 520 BC, played the chi on the street in the city of Wu (modern-day Suzhou)


From Shiji (Western Han)《史记·范睢蔡泽列传》:「伍子胥橐載而出昭關,夜行晝伏,至於陵水,無以糊其口,厀行蒲伏,稽首肉袒,鼓腹吹篪,乞食於吳市,卒興吳國,闔閭為伯。」
Wu Zixu hid in a sack to get through the Zhao Pass [in modern-day Hanshan County, Ma'anshan, east-century Anhui], traveling at night and hiding during the day until he arrived at Lingshui [modern-day Liyang, Changzhou, southern Jiangsu].  With no way to sate his hunger, he crawled about on his knees, bowed his head on the ground while half naked, puffed up his stomach and played the chi, begging for food in the markets of Wu [modern-day Suzhou]; finally, he rejuvenated the state of Wu and made Helü [r. 514 BC-496 BC] [its] hegemon.

More information:

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● 如埙如篪 (rú xūn rú chí)



More information:

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● 埙唱篪应 (xūn chàng chí yìng)


From 宋·叶适《国子祭酒赠宝谟阁待制李公墓志铭》:「公义顺而理和,埙唱篪应,璋判圭合,得于自然。」

More information:

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● 埙篪相和 (xūn chí xiāng hè) - (literal meaning):  xun (ocarina) and chi [playing] together in harmony (figurative meaning):  refers to a good relationship between brothers


From the Shi Jing《诗经·小雅·何人斯》: 「伯氏吹埙,仲氏吹篪。」

More information:

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● 埙篪相合 (xūn chí xiāng hé) - see 埙篪相和 (xūn chí xiāng hè)



● Wang Xidan 王希丹. 《集安高句丽墓壁画的音乐考古学研究》[Musical Archeology Research on the Murals of the Goguryeo Tombs in Ji'an].  Beijing:  Beijing Book Co. Inc., 2019.
● Wu Zhao 吴钊. 《篪笛辨》(article).  In《古乐寻幽——吴钊音乐学文集》(book).


Additional Web resources

● Video demonstration of a replica of a chi excavated from the tomb of Zeng Hou Yi, played by a member of the Henan Museum's Huaxia Ancient Music Ensemble (河南博物院华夏古乐团), which was established in 2000; this video, which was probably filmed at the Henan Museum (河南博物院) in Zhengzhou, Henan province, central China, was produced by the Henan Museum, c. May 24, 2022.

Chi (篪) YouTube playlist (maintained by David Badagnani)


Thanks to Lin Chiang-san for assistance with this page.


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