Friday, April 2, 2021

Tang-era piece: Huang Zhang《皇麞》

Tang-era piece:  Huang Zhang
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 12 March 2023)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Tang-era piece entitled Huang Zhang (《皇麞》or《黄麞》, translated as "Water Deer" or "Yellow Roe"), which exists in the form of instrumental parts for a suite in the Dorian mode on E, called Ping diao (平調) in Chinese and Hyōjō in Japanese.

As preserved in Sino-Japanese sources, this piece is called Ōjō皇麞おうじょう)』, and it appears in the following score collections:
1) and 2) Sango Yōroku and Jinchi Yōroku, both of which were compiled in the late 12th century
3) Ruisō Chiyō『類箏治要』(1296 or c. 1261)
4) Rosei Yōroku『蘆聲要録』(perhaps 1661)


Chinese historical sources mentioning Huang Zhang

● Jiu Tang Shu《旧唐书》(The Old Book of Tang), also known simply as Tang Shu《唐书》 (The Book of Tang), a historical work in 200 volumes that was completed in 945, actually during the Later Jin (后晋) Dynasty, one of the Five Dynasties during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十国) period following the fall of the Tang Dynasty; it is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史).  The title appears in volume 189 as《黃麞》or《黃獐》:



● Yuefu Shiji《乐府诗集》by Guo Maoqian (郭茂倩, 1041-1099)
Huang Zhang Ge《黄獐歌》is discussed in volume 86, as follows:








Chinese poems and poetic lyrics mentioning Huang Zhang

(Huang Zhang Ge)
Anonymous (Tang Dynasty)





Videos and recordings of Huang Zhang

● Full-ensemble performance of the Ji movement of Huang Zhang by an ensemble from the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music at the Kyoto City University of Arts, dir. Takwa Satoshi (Kyoto, Japan, 2012)

● Performance of Huang Zhang by Xu Ge and his ensemble (China, 2018)
● Full-ensemble realization of Huang Zhang, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2021)

● Full-ensemble realization of Huang Zhang, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds, revised version (Japan, 2021)

● Electronic realization of Huang Zhang (ensemble) by YouTube user 古樂尋蹤_HGofACH (Canada, 2022)

● Full-ensemble realization of a Meiji-era version of Huang Zhang, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2023)


Thanks to Keith Wong for assistance with this page.


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