Friday, March 26, 2021

Tang-era piece: Cai Sang Lao《採桑老》

Tang-era piece:  Cai Sang Lao
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 3 July 2022)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Tang-era piece entitled Cai Sang Lao《採桑老》, which exists in the form of instrumental parts for a single-movement piece consisting of 12 measures of 8/4, in the Dorian mode on B, called Panshe diao (盤渉調) in Chinese and Banshiki-chō in Japanese.

As preserved in Sino-Japanese sources, the title of piece is written either採桑老』or採桒老』in kanji, and pronounced either Saishōrō (さいしょうろう) or Saisōrō (さいそうろう).  It appears in the following score collections:
1) Hakuga Fue-fu『博雅笛譜』, also known as Hakuga no Fue-fu (literally "Hakuga's Fue Scores"), and properly known as Shinsen Gaku-fu (Chōshukyō Chiku-fu) 『新撰樂譜(長秋卿竹譜)』(literally "Newly Compiled Music Scores (Lord Long Autumn's Bamboo [Flute] Scores)") (966)
2) and 3) Sango Yōroku and Jinchi Yōroku, both of which were compiled in the late 12th century
4) Rosei Yōroku『蘆聲要録』(perhaps 1661)

This piece's title may translate to "The Old [Person] Picks Mulberry [Leaves]," and the phrase cai sang (采桑) appears in numerous Chinese poems and lyrics dating back as far as the Western Han Dynasty, continuing to appear in poems created in each subsequent dynasty of Chinese history.


Chinese historical sources mentioning Cai Sang Lao

Jiaofang Ji《教坊记》(The Conservatory Records)
A collection of short essays by the Tang Dynasty scholar Cui Lingqin (崔令钦, fl. 749).  The title appears as Cai Sang《采桑》and Yang Xia Cai Sang《楊下采桑》.

● Tongdian《通典》(Comprehensive Institutions)
Written by Tang Dynasty scholar and historian Du You (杜佑, 735-812) between 766 and 801, Tongdian discusses music in its fifth section; the title appears as San Zhou Cai Sang《三洲采桑》in volume 146.

Jiegu Lu《羯鼓錄》
Jiegu Lu is a book on music in two parts by Nan Zhuo (南卓, fl. 848-850).  The first part was completed in 848 and the second in 850.  The title appears as Liang Xia Cai Sang《涼下採桑》.

● Jiu Tang Shu《旧唐书》(The Old Book of Tang), also known simply as Tang Shu《唐书》 (The Book of Tang), a historical work in 200 volumes that was completed in 945, actually during the Later Jin (后晋) Dynasty, one of the Five Dynasties during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十国) period following the fall of the Tang Dynasty; it is one of the Twenty-Four Histories (二十四史).  The title appears as Cai Sang《採桑》in volume 29.

● Tang Huiyao《唐会要》(Institutional History of Tang)
This history of the Tang Dynasty, comprising 100 volumes and 514 sections, was compiled by Wang Pu (王溥, 922-982) and presented to Emperor Taizu, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, in 961.  The title appears as San Zhou Cai Sang《三洲採桑》in volume 33.

● Yuefu Shiji《乐府诗集》by Guo Maoqian (郭茂倩, 1041-1099)
The title appears in volume 44 as Cai Sang《采桑》.

● Yuefu Shiji《乐府诗集》by Guo Maoqian (郭茂倩, 1041-1099)
The title appears in volume 47 as Cai Sang Du《采桑度》.

Wenxian Tongkao《文献通考》(Comprehensive Examination of Literature) Compiled in the early 14th century by Ma Duanlin (马端临), this work contains a list and descriptions (though no illustrations) of many ancient and Medieval musical instruments.  In volume 146, the title appears as "Cai Sang"《采桑》.


Chinese poems and poetic lyrics mentioning the term "Cai Sang" (采桑 or 採桑)

Mulberry Lane (Mo Shang Sang)
Anonymous Yuefu poem (Han Dynasty)




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Picking Mulberry [Leaves] (Cai Sang)
by Zhang Hu (Tang Dynasty, c. 785-c. 849)




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《杂曲歌辞 杨下采桑》
by Zhang Hu (Tang Dynasty, c. 785-c. 849)



Videos and recordings of Cai Sang Lao

● Full-ensemble realization of Cai Sang Lao done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2021)

● Full-ensemble realization of Cai Sang Lao done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds, revised version (Japan, 2021)

● Full-ensemble realization of Cai Sang Lao done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds, revised version 4 (Japan, 2022)



● Marett, Allan.  "Tunes Notated in Flute-Tablature from a Japanese Source of the Tenth Century."  Musica Asiatica, vol. 1 (1977), pp. 1-59.


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