Friday, March 12, 2021

Tang-era piece: Funan《扶南》

Tang-era piece:  Funan
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 12 March 2023)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Tang-era piece entitled Funan《扶南》, which exists in the form of instrumental parts for a single-movement xiao qu (小曲, small piece) consisting of 14 measures of 4/4, in the Dorian mode. The title is the Chinese name for an ancient Indianized kingdom of mainland Southeast Asia.

As preserved in Sino-Japanese sources, this piece is called Funan『扶南(ふなん)』.

It appears in the following score collections:
1) and 2) Sango Yōroku and Jinchi Yōroku, both of which were compiled in the late 12th century
3) Ruisō Chiyō『類箏治要』(1296 or c. 1261)


Tang-era lyrics for Funan

Although the score materials for Funan that survive are instrumental only, the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei (王维, 692-761 or 699-759) left five sets of lyrics by this title, which Wang may have intended to be sung to the same melody preserved in Sino-Japanese sources:

Five Lyrics for the "Funan" Melody
by Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty, 692-761 or 699-759)

堂上青弦动,堂前绮席陈。 齐歌卢女曲,双舞洛阳人。 倾国徒相看,宁知心所亲。

歌闻天仗外,舞出御楼中。 日暮归何处,花间长乐宫。

入春轻衣好,半夜薄妆成。 拂曙朝前殿,玉墀多佩声。

朝日照绮窗,佳人坐临镜。 散黛恨犹轻,插钗嫌未正。 同心勿遽游,幸待春妆竟。


Videos and recordings of Funan

● Performance of Funan by Xu Ge and his ensemble (China, 2018)
● Full-ensemble realization of Funan, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds, revised version 1.2 (Japan, 2022)

● Solo heng di performance of Funan, done by Bilibili user 唐散宋凝明清意 (China, 2022)



● Wolpert, Rembrandt. "Tang-Music (Tōgaku) Manuscripts for Lute and Their Interrelationships." In Music and Tradition: Essays on Asian and Other Musics Presented to Laurence Picken, ed. D. R. Widdess and R. F. Wolpert (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1981), pp. 69-121.


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