Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tang-era piece: Qinghai Bo《青海波》

Tang-era piece:  Qinghai Bo
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 1 January 2025)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Tang-era piece entitled Qinghai Bo《青海波》(The Waves of Kokonor), which exists in the form of instrumental parts for a movement consisting of 12 measures of 8/4, in the Dorian mode on B, called Panshe diao (盤渉調) in Chinese and Banshiki-chō in Japanese.

As preserved in Sino-Japanese sources, this piece is called Seigaiha青海波せいがいは)』, and it appears in the following score collections:
1) Hakuga Fue-fu『博雅笛譜』, also known as Hakuga no Fue-fu (literally "Hakuga's Fue Scores"), and properly known as Shinsen Gaku-fu (Chōshukyō Chiku-fu) 『新撰樂譜(長秋卿竹譜)』(literally "Newly Compiled Music Scores (Lord Long Autumn's Bamboo [Flute] Scores)") (966)
2) and 3) Sango Yōroku and Jinchi Yōroku, both of which were compiled in the late 12th century
4) Ruisō Chiyō『類箏治要』(1296 or c. 1261)

Qinghai Bo is traditionally preceded with a prelude/beginning movement, called xu (序) in Chinese or jo in Japanese, entitled Luntai (Japanese: Rindai / りんだい).


Chinese poems mentioning Qinghai Bo

(Dongshan Yin)
by Li Bai (Tang Dynasty, 701-762)



It is possible that the "Qinghai dance" (青海舞), the steps of which Li says he made up himself while inebriated, was performed to the same melody as the yanyue piece entitled Qinghai Bo《青海波》(The Waves of Kokonor), which is preserved in Sino-Japanese tablatures.

引用典故:安石妓 白鸡梦


Videos and recordings of Qinghai Bo

● Two recordings of Qinghai Bo, as supervised by Laurence Picken and performed by a small ensemble led by Wu Wu-hsing (Taipei, Taiwan, 1972)

● Studio recording of Qinghai Bo, as transcribed by Rembrandt Wolpert, performed by the Shanghai Chinese Ancient Music Ensemble (Shanghai, China, 1988); Qinghai Bo starts at 17:49

● Studio recording of Qinghai Bo by Betty Anne Wong & Phoenix Spring Ensemble, in collaboration with Melody of China Ensemble (probably San Francisco, 1998)

● Studio recording of Qinghai Bo, as transcribed by Rembrandt Wolpert, performed by Wu Man (pipa and percussion) (Los Angeles, 2010); Qinghai Bo starts at 1:25, and is preceded by Luntai

● Studio recording of Qinghai Bo, as arranged by Stephen Dydo, performed by Tomoko Sugawara (kugo) (probably New York City, 2010)

● Recording of Qinghai Bo, as arranged by Stephen Dydo, performed by Tomoko Sugawara (kugo) (probably New York City, c. 2010) - dead link
● Solo performance of Qinghai Bo, as arranged by Stephen Dydo, performed by Tomoko Sugawara (kugo) (unknown location, c. 2011)

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by an ensemble from the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music at the Kyoto City University of Arts, dir. Takwa Satoshi (Moscow, Russia, 2013); the second half of the video features vocals

● Duo performance of Qinghai Bo by musicians from the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music at the Kyoto City University of Arts, including Takwa Satoshi (Nagoya, Japan, 2014); Qinghai Bo starts at 2:41, and is preceded by Luntai

● Duo performance of the first phrase of Qinghai Bo by musicians from the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music at the Kyoto City University of Arts, including Takwa Satoshi (Nagoya, Japan, 2014)

● Cross-cultural ensemble performance of Qinghai Bo, as arranged by Stephen Dydo, by Tomoko Sugawara (kugo) with the Eurasia Consort (Seattle, Washington, United States, 2015)

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble (Beijing, China, c. 2017)

● Performance, with dance, of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble (Beijing, China, 2017)

● Performance, with dance, of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble (Beijing, China, 2017)

● Performance, with dance, of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble (Shanghai, China, 2017)

● Studio recording of Qinghai Bo, performed by a 4-piece ensemble, from a CD released in 2018 by the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music at the Kyoto City University of Arts, dir. Takwa Satoshi

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble (China, 2018)

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble, with added Western harmony (Weihai, Shandong province, China, 2020)

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble, with many dancers/vocalists (Beijing, China, 2020)

● Full-ensemble realization of Qinghai Bo, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2021)

● Multitrack studio recording of Qinghai Bo, performed by Bilibili user Beilin Zhai Zhuren (北林斋主人), bili, heng di, and percussion (China, 2021)

● Performance of Qinghai Bo by Xu Ge and his ensemble, with added Western harmony (China, 2021)

● Solo heng di performance of Qinghai Bo by Bilibili user 埙篪雅韵 (China, 2022)
● Full-ensemble realization of Qinghai Bo, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds, revised version 4 (Japan, 2022)

● Trio performance of Qinghai Bo, played on soprano recorder, koto, and pipa by Bilibili user 扬波-小锤-芥末cookie (China, 2024)

● Duo performance of Qinghai Bo, played on koto and pipa by Bilibili user 扬波-小锤-芥末cookie (China, 2024)

● Ensemble performance of Qinghai Bo by the Eurasia Consort (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States, 2024)



● Marett, Allan.  "Tunes Notated in Flute-Tablature from a Japanese Source of the Tenth Century."  Musica Asiatica, vol. 1 (1977), pp. 1-59.
● Picken, Laurence.  "Central Asian Tunes in the Gagaku Tradition."  Festschrift für Walter Wiora, zum 30. Dezember 1966 (Kassel:  Bärenreiter, 1967), pp. 545-551.
● Wolpert, Rembrandt. "Tang-Music (Tōgaku) Manuscripts for Lute and Their Interrelationships." In Music and Tradition: Essays on Asian and Other Musics Presented to Laurence Picken, ed. D. R. Widdess and R. F. Wolpert (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1981), pp. 69-121.
● Wolpert, Rembrandt; Allan Marett; Jonathan Condit, and Laurence Picken.  "'The Waves of Kokonor':  A Dance-Tune of the T'ang Dynasty."  Asian Music, vol. 5, no. 1, Chinese Music Issue (1973), pp. 3-9.


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