Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tang-era piece: Yin Jiu Yue《飲酒樂》

Tang-era piece:  Yin Jiu Yue
compiled by David Badagnani (rev. 23 July 2023)

In an effort to make this information more accessible, this document contains resources related to the Tang-era piece entitled Yin Jiu Yue《飲酒樂》(Drinking Wine Music), which exists in the form of instrumental parts for a single-movement piece consisting of 20 measures of 4/2, with versions in the Mixolydian mode on D, called Yue diao (越調) in Chinese and Ichikotsu-chō (壹越調) in Japanese; and the Mixolydian mode on A.

As preserved in Sino-Japanese sources, this piece is called Onjuraku飲酒樂おんじゅらく)』or Injuraku飲酒樂いんじゅらく)』, and it appears in the following score collections:
1) Gogen Fu『五絃譜』or Gogen Kinfu『五絃琴譜』, the manuscript itself simply bearing the title《五絃》(Gogen); individual pieces in the collection bear the dates 773 and 842 and the music is believed to be of Tang Chinese origin, though the manuscript was probably copied in Japan in the 11th century during the mid-Heian period
2) and 3) Sango Yōroku and Jinchi Yōroku, both of which were compiled in the late 12th century
4) Ruisō Chiyō『類箏治要』(1296 or c. 1261)
5) Rosei Yōroku『蘆聲要録』(perhaps 1661)

The list of "Tang music" pieces prepared by the Japanese flute player Heguri no Hideshige (平群秀茂) that appears in his Sango Hishō『三五秘抄』(928) lists Yin Jiu Yue as a po (破, "broaching") movement existing in versions in the Mixolydian mode on D and the Mixolydian mode on A.


Chinese historical sources mentioning Yin Jiu Yue

Jiegu Lu《羯鼓錄》
Jiegu Lu is a book on music in two parts by Nan Zhuo (南卓, fl. 848-850).  The first part was completed in 848 and the second in 850.

Tang Huiyao《唐会要》(Institutional History of Tang)
This history of the Tang Dynasty, comprising 100 volumes and 514 sections, was compiled by Wang Pu (王溥, 922-982) and presented to Emperor Taizu, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, in 961.  Yin Jiu Yue is mentioned in volume 33.


Videos and recordings of Yin Jiu Yue

● Full-ensemble performance of Yin Jiu Yue by Xu Ge and his ensemble (Beijing, China, 2018)

● Full-ensemble realization of Yin Jiu Yue (in the Mixolydian mode on D), done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2021)

● Multitrack ensemble/vocal studio recording of Yin Jiu Yue by by Bilibili user männlichkeit (China, 2021)
● Multitrack recording of Yin Jiu Yue, performed on biliheng di, and percussion by Bilibili user Beilin Zhai Zhuren (北林斋主人) (China, 2021)

● Full-ensemble realization of Yin Jiu Yue (in the Mixolydian mode on A), revised version, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2022)

● Ensemble realization of Yin Jiu Yue (featuring strings and percussion only), revised version, done by Tokinori Yanagita using synthesized sounds (Japan, 2022)

● Electronic realization of Yin Jiu Yue (Gogen Fu version) by YouTube user 古樂尋蹤_HGofACH (Canada, 2022)



● Laurence Picken and Noël J. Nickson, eds., with Rembrandt F. Wolpert, Allan J. Marett, Elizabeth J. Markham, Yōko Mitani, and Stephen Jones.  Music from the Tang Court, vol. 5.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1990.
● Wolpert, R. F.  "A Ninth-Century Score for Five-Stringed Lute."  Musica Asiatica, vol. 3 (1981), pp. 107-135.


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